captain courageous

captain courageous

As IU mentioned in episode 14 of Palette, j-Hope is often referred to as the “coward of the group” since he startles easily and he’s afraid of heights, bugs, and a bunch of other stuff.

Be that as it may, Jung Hoseok showed immense courage when he popped out of the box–going first in charting his own path as solo artist j-Hope with his album, Jack in the Box, in BTS’s new chapter (while still acknowledging his roots, of course), showing a darker and more vulnerable side of himself which he knew some fans may not be as receptive to, and then taking on the challenge that was Lollapalooza where he had to perform before a mixed crowd.

It has been said time and time again that courage is not the absence of fear. It’s being afraid but doing it anyway because there’s something else that’s even more important.

In his ending ment (“closing remarks” in Muggle speak 😂), j-Hope said, “All of these schedules was a continuous fear to me but this is such a meaningful and special moment.” He has also described his solo stage at Lollapalooza as “one dread-filled moment after another.” But as we all 14.9 million on WeVerse plus 100,000 in the live audience in Chicago plus who-knows-how-many on Hulu (and other platforms, if you know what I mean 😅) of us saw yesterday, j-Hope conquered his fears and slayyed #HOBIPALOOZA! 🔥🔥🔥

And so, Mr. Jung Hoseok, sir, I hereby dub thee Captain Courageous.

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